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Lovely pups

Born the 3. July 2003

Pups are on FCI pedigree

The parents:
Click on photo if you want to read more:

Talisman Fishing for Compliments STDsd - "Tallis"

LPI The Mad Hatter of Imagineer, CGC
"Mickey" (ASCA one leg on sheep)

The pedigree:
1.Led 2. Led 3. Led
LPI LP11 The Mad Hatter of Imagineer, CGC OTDs "Mickey" CH Dreamcatcher of Imagineer STDsc CH Manchado Crazy Horse CDX, OTDsd STDc
CH Linerider's Imagineer of Dakota CD
Eagle Creek Prima Donna OA, NAJ, RV-O. JV-O, GV-N OAC-V, OJC-V and NGC-V (2 legs OAJ) CH Starstuff Still Crazy CD STDsd
Kline's Two Dot Teddy
Talismann Fishing for Compliments STDsd "Tallis" Snowcrest Luck of the Draw Monnlight's Rollover Beethoven
Montana's Blue Ravin' on Q
CH. Talisman Cover Girl "Girlie" Milwins Bishops Kardinal"Buzz"
Southern Cross Classic Shelby

Just born, still wet!

Very nice litter!

They are playing and learning!

We had our X-litter with "Quiz"

Click Photo to go to her site

Q-Boy is working on his first trial

Click Photo to go to his site

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