1.Led |
2. Led |
3. Led |
LPI LP11 The Mad Hatter of Imagineer, CGC OTDs "Mickey" |
CH Dreamcatcher of Imagineer STDsc |
CH Manchado Crazy Horse CDX, OTDsd STDc |
CH Linerider's Imagineer of Dakota CD |
Eagle Creek Prima Donna OA, NAJ, RV-O. JV-O, GV-N OAC-V, OJC-V and NGC-V (2 legs OAJ) |
CH Starstuff Still Crazy CD STDsd |
Kline's Two Dot Teddy |
Talismann Fishing for Compliments STDsd "Tallis" |
Snowcrest Luck of the Draw |
Monnlight's Rollover Beethoven |
Montana's Blue Ravin' on Q |
CH. Talisman Cover Girl "Girlie" |
Milwins Bishops Kardinal"Buzz" |
Southern Cross Classic Shelby |