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han kan også flytte kvæg!


Henrik tog disse foto fra et Larry Painter kursus
Chap flytter kvæget stille og roligt.

Henrik took thise shots on the Larry Painter clinic.
He's just trotting behind the cattle


"Good boy" Dygtiiig dreng!

En rød tyr prøver Chap af, han holder sin position
Now the red bull are trying, but Cow-Chap is holding his position.

Den sorte Limo prøver igen, Chap markerer mellem horn, han skal lære at gå efter mulen!
The black Limozine bull is trying him again
I saw CHap trying to bite him between the horns, but he have to learn to go after the muzzle

Good boy CHaps!

Michael træner ham, så jeg kan koncentere om de andre hunde
Michael is training him, so I can concentrate on other dogs

Han klarer det flot og lærer hurtigt
He is doing fine, learning fast!

Han lærer at tage kvæget ud fra hjørner
He's learning to take the cattle out from corners:

Click to see Chap with other males Click to see more of A HAPPY WORKING DOG!
Klik første foto og se ham med andre hanhunde eller på 2. foto for at se flere fotos!
Click on photo to se him with other males or on him to see more working pics!!


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